Support Frequently Asked Questions
Below we have featured some of most commonly asked questions about Corporate Donations and Tax implications for donating.
Corporate FAQs
I’d like to donate items — such as construction supplies, household goods, furniture, etc. — to HomeAid. How do I do that?
Thank you for your kind donation. It depends on the quantity you are donating. If you have a very large donation — e.g. truckloads — please send details to Marisol Parand and our team will be glad to help you coordinate that donation.
To donate smaller amounts of household goods, furniture, new building supplies, etc., please connect with one of our local HomeAid affiliates.
How can I volunteer with my company?
Please visit HomeAid.org/affiliates to find the contact information for your local HomeAid. They will discuss local volunteer opportunities such as sponsoring a Care Day or getting involved with a HomeAid Essential Drive.
Can we have all our offices across the state or country volunteer with HomeAid?
HomeAid has a presence in local communities across 13 states in 19 communities. See a map of our presence. Each local HomeAid is independent, but HomeAid America can help coordinate a streamlined volunteer campaign across your footprint as a part of a corporate partnership.
What is corporate partnership with HomeAid America?
Corporate partnership is a demonstration of your company’s support for our vision to be a vital force in creating safe and dignified housing and programmatic facilities for those how are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. View a list of our many different engagement opportunities.
Corporate partnership with Homeaid is an opportunity to leverage our national brand to demonstrate your corporate social responsibility and support for the need for dignified housing and programmatic facilities to your customers, employees, peers and stakeholders. We will tailor a specific engagement plan based on your goals and help you bring it to life. Corporate partnership with HomeAid requires a minimum donation of cash, donated product or a combination of the two.
Can I donate my company’s product to enter into a corporate partnership?
If you are interested in partnering solely with your local HomeAid affiliate, you will need to contact them directly to discuss. If you are focused nationally, then yes – please reach out directly to lmckenna@homeaid.org to explore. Please include details on the following:
Type of item(s) being offered.
Specific types/designs/models.
Associated value/MSRP.
Please indicate physical location of items as well as if pick up would be required or delivery would be provided. Please also clarify if these items were intended for use on a construction site or distributed through HomeAid’s network of service providers.
Can I donate product and set up volunteer activities for my employees?
A cash contribution may be required to cover the cost of coordinating the team volunteer day at the local level.
Do businesses also donate products or contribute financially when they volunteer?
Yes, there are hard costs involved with providing your team with the opportunity to volunteer, including the cost of land, building supplies, safety equipment, and operational costs.
The volunteer experience represents value to our partners that want to showcase it as part of their broader corporate social responsibility strategy. Internally, there is morale building and improved retention for employees. Externally, partnership provides brand benefits through association with our well-recognized and trusted brand while using photos, stories and impact features from the build site to tell a compelling story about your support for HomeAid. We very much appreciate our partners who truly collaborate on our mission.
HomeAid has a federated model – what does that mean?
With our federated network, each local HomeAid is an independent entity operationally, legally and fiscally. HomeAid America is the organization which stewards the brand and guides the programming of HomeAid at the national level. In other words, HomeAid creates the blueprint, and each local Homeaid brings the mission to life according to the needs and resources in their community.
Can we work directly with a local HomeAid organization rather than HomeAid America?
We appreciate your interest and support of HomeAid at any level or location. Your strategy and goals for engagement will determine the best approach:
One to two markets of engagement:
Please work directly with your local HomeAid office
Multi-market or national engagement:
HomeAid America has the tools and resources to bring a broad-scale national partnership to life.
Dedicated teams can help with public relations and communications, grants management, impact reporting, local office communication, advocacy, etc.
A central point of contact can help you manage different HomeAid programs across your portfolio of engagement.
Partnership unlocks the privilege of universal HomeAid name and logo usage with approval.
What impact will working with HomeAid America have on my local relationship with HomeAid?
Without the local offices, there would be no HomeAid. Our network touches individuals and families every day and brings our mission to life. We believe that successful partnerships with HomeAid America are built on close local relationships, which grow even stronger due to increased collaboration and alignment.
Tax FAQs
Learn more about the tax benefits you may be eligible for when you make a donation to HomeAid by reading our answers to the questions below. Here is some general information about HomeAid America that may help you:
HomeAid America is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Receipts for donations made directly to HomeAid America are available by contacting 1-949-777-1660 or contact Marisol Parand.
Receipts for donations made to local HomeAid affiliate must be obtained from the affiliate. You can find the contact information for your affiliate online.
Is my contribution to HomeAid a tax-deductible donation?
If you itemize your deductions, you may be able to deduct charitable contributions of money or property made to qualified organizations. Only donations actually made before the close of the tax year would be eligible.
We suggest you contact your tax adviser or accountant or visit the IRS website for more information.
I did professional labor in the form of plumbing, construction, accounting, or something similar for HomeAid, and I did not charge them. Can I deduct the value of my labor on my taxes?
Generally, you can’t deduct your labor, but you can deduct any expenses you incur. We suggest you call your tax adviser or accountant or see the section titled “Contributions You Can’t Deduct” in the IRS Publication 526: Charitable Contributions.
My daughter or son gave to HomeAid, but he or she is not going to itemize their taxes. Can I use her donation on my taxes?
We suggest you contact your tax adviser or accountant or visit www.irs.gov.
I mailed in a donation the last week of December, and I was given a receipt for the following year. Can I still write off that donation on my tax return for the previous year?
If the check had a date of last year and you itemize your deductions, you may be able to deduct your donation. We suggest you contact your tax adviser or accountant or visit the IRS website for more information.
I donated money to my local affiliate, and I need a receipt for my taxes. Can you get that for me?
Receipts for donations made to local HomeAid affiliates must be obtained from the affiliate. You can find the contact information for your affiliate online.
I donated money to my local affiliate. I’ve been trying to get a receipt from them, but I can’t seem to get them to send it. What do I do now?
Please call 1-949-777-1660. You may also email your name and address along with the name, city and state of the affiliate to which you donated to Marisol Parand. We will do our best to assist you.
I donated an appliance, a piece of furniture or another item to my local HomeAid, and I didn’t get a receipt. How do I obtain a receipt?
Receipts for donations made to local HomeAid affiliates must be obtained from them. You can find the contact information for your affiliate online.
I tried to get a receipt for the items I donated, but the affiliate will not give it to me. Can you help?
Please call 1-949-777-1660. You may also email your name and address along with the name, city and state of the affiliate to which you donated to Marisol Parand. We will do our best to assist you.
I donated an appliance, a piece of furniture or another item to my local HomeAid. I got a receipt, but it did not have a dollar amount on it. Can you give me one with the amount on it?
HomeAid America or our affiliates cannot assign a value to non-monetary gifts. It is up to the donor to determine the value for tax purposes. We suggest you contact your tax adviser or accountant or visit the IRS website for more information.
Is HomeAid a 50 percent organization?
Yes. For more information, visit www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p526.pdf.
Is HomeAid America a 501(c)(3)?
Can I get a copy of HomeAid America’s 501(c)(3) letter?
Yes, you can download our 501(c)(3) letter here. If you need any other information, please call us at 1-949-777-1660 or email Marisol Parand.
For local affiliates, please contact them directly. You can find the contact information for your affiliate online or call us at 1-949-777-1660.
I donate monthly to HomeAid. I need my statement, so I can file my taxes. Can you send that to me?
Thank you so much for your generous donation. Your February statement will show your donations and can be used for tax purposes. This should arrive by the end of February. If you need any additional assistance, please contact us at Marisol Parand or call 1-949-777-1660.
Other ways to support HomeAid®:
Donate Now or Give Monthly • Donate Stock, Bonds & Mutual Funds • Legacy Giving • Honor & Memorial Gifts • Corporate Giving • Workplace Giving • Gifts & In-Kind Donations • Volunteer Opportunities • Donor Inquiry • Frequently Asked Questions