Affordable Housing and Housing Solutions to Homelessness
Gina Cunningham, HomeAid OC Executive Director, on why affordable housing is a solution to homelessness.

Homelessness and Natural Disasters
Kimo Carvalho, HomeAid Hawaii’s Executive Director, details the impact of natural disasters on homelessness.

HomeAid San Diego - WORKS Construction Training Program
Mary Lydon, HomeAid SD Executive Director, highlights the wins of the WORKS program.

Homelessness and Youths in Central Florida
Therese Murphy from HomeAid Orlando highlights their work helping youth transitioning out of foster care.

HFMF Housing for Heroes Impacting Veteran Homelessness
HomeAid Minnesota discusses the impact of their Housing for Heroes project.

The INN Between Project
Isabelle Ashcroft, Marketing and Fund Development Director at HomeAid Utah highlights their work with The INN Between Project. Visit ham.homeaid.org to learn more.

HomeAid and Family Promise: A Model Partnership in Ending Homelessness
HomeAid Orange County and Family Promise will dedicate the House of Ruth on October 18,2023. The House of Ruth will provide housing to families experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

My Experience at the Texas Conference on Ending Homelessness
Devina Cunningham, Director of Resource Management, shares her experience at the Texas Conference on Ending Homelessness.

Building a Brighter Future: HomeAid and the YIMBY Principles
What is YIMBY and how does that connect to HomeAid’s mission?

HomeAid Works to Strengthen and Expand Relationships to Build a Future without Homelessness
Robin Arnett, Chief Expansion Officer, recaps attending NAHB’s AMC this past month.

What Fieldstone Leadership Network Means to Scott Larson
Scott Larson, Chief Executive Officer, was featured in Fieldstone Leadership’s Blog.

Trauma-Informed Design
Detailing Trauma-Informed Design and how HomeAid can incorporate it into our work.
Image credit: Jessica Helgerson Interior Design. Path Home, formerly Portland Homeless Family Solutions, provides shelter and support services for unhoused families across the greater Portland area.

Three Important Acronyms in Solving Homelessness - PIT, HIC, and AHAR
PIT, HIC, and AHAR are important acronyms in solving homelessness, but what are they?

Homelessness is a Housing Issue
On June 8, I was able to attend the ULI Los Angeles Homelessness Summit 3.0 at The California Endowment with Christopher Kealey, Executive Director of HomeAid Los Angeles.

Transforming Lives Through Collaboration: HomeAid’s Journey at PCBC
What a great time it was for HomeAid to gather from across the country this last week in Anaheim, CA for the annual Pacific Coast Builders Conference! We are truly grateful to the California Building Industry Association (CBIA) for having HomeAid as part of the show this year. CBIA is the prominent trade association representing the housing industry in California and serves as the voice of the state's builders, developers, contractors, architects, suppliers, and other professionals involved in residential construction.

What Does Housing Have To Do With Healthcare?
In short, housing is healthcare. Over 1,000 people registered for this year’s Health Care for the Homeless Conference in Baltimore, May 15th – May 19th. I attended various sessions that focused on the ties between health and housing, as well as the benefits of recuperative care for our neighbors experiencing homelessness.